The Assembly Commission


Meeting Venue:

Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Ty Hywel


Meeting date:

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


Meeting time:

13:00 - 14:00




Minutes:  AC(4)2012(10)




Committee Members:


Rosemary Butler (Chair)

Peter Black

Angela Burns

Sandy Mewies

Rhodri Glyn Thomas






Officials present:


Claire Clancy, Chief Executive & Clerk of the Assembly (Official)

Dave Tosh, Director of Information and Communications Technology (Official)

Carys Evans, Principal Commission Secretary (Official)







Others in attendance:


David Melding, Deputy Presiding Officer

Mair Barnes, Independent Adviser







1.  Introduction




1(i)        Introduction and apologies




1(ii)       Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.




2.  ICT future services strategy


The Merlin Contract, under which ICT services are provided to the Assembly, is due to expire in 2014.  The Commission is required to give notice to the Welsh Government and Atos by April 2013 of its decision in respect of the future provision of ICT services to the Assembly.  The Commission agreed in November 2011 to assess two options: the extension of the Merlin contract; or a move to a mixed in-house provision.

Commissioners discussed their aims for future ICT Services to assist with their forthcoming decision on these arrangements.

A further meeting will be held on 3 December.








3.  Any other business


There was no other business.





November 2012


